
Showing posts from January, 2019


  Phil Roberts My Name is Amb. Phil Roberts. I am tired of seeing musicians suffering when we know what to do... It will interest you to know the following; ·         Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has stack of funds for the creative industries ·         SMEDAN has a scheme for promoting creative entrepreneurs  ·         The Ministry of Trade and investment have funds available to invest in our industry ·         The Nigerian Trade and Exports are looking towards investing in Non oil sectors as the creative industries fall under their jurisdiction ·         NEXIM BANK have funds for us (Nigerian creatives) ·         BOI have funds for us (Nigerian creatives) ·         Ministry of labor and productivity are looking forward to empowering the trade unions as we also fall under their jurisdiction  ·         Do you know we have health insurance funds for the creative industry? ·         And lastly do you know people come into Abuja to take entertainment projects (that we

PMAN'S EXCO Meets in Abuja

A meeting of the Executives of the Performing Musicians Association of Nigeria (PMAN) took place yesterday 18 th January, 2019 in Abuja. The meeting was chaired by Mr. Solomon Nda-Isaiah (the Governor). Other officials at the meeting included Cent Moko (secretary), Amb. Phil Robert (PRO), Ken Origha (treasurer), Okey Chilakpu (provost) and Ras Johnpaul (welfare officer 1). After the welcome address by the governor, issues were raised by the secretary as follows: ·         Organizing PMAN award night ·         Calling on the stakeholders and all aggrieved members/factions for reconciliation ·         Holding an election. Amb. Phll Roberts however in his explanations noted that even if event were to be organized the other faction will attempt to frustrate it. They will always sabotage their efforts emphasizing that these has been going on for quite awhile. Therefore he suggested writing letters to all the the stakeholders, inviting them for a meeting to discuss the way